Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 29, 2015 Sermon

Who Can Climb the Hill of the Lord?
How many of you would consider yourself a climber? Maybe the purest example is that of a young child who displays exuberance when they’ve climbed on top of the furniture – with a grin on their face from ear to ear.
A professional baseball player started as a young child in tee ball and little league; then AAU and high school baseball. And whether or not he decides to go to college, once he enters pro-ball, he has to make his way through rookie league, summer league, and the single, double and triple-A ranks before he can make it to the top – Major League Baseball.
In business, the young professional works the long hours for many times little pay – all in an effort to make it to the top of his profession.
And if you like – mountain climbing – you know that there are quite a few things that you have to do before you accomplish the feat of making it to the top of the mountain – the least of which is being in good physical condition and maintaining proper hydration.
I'd like you to consider yourself a climber this morning as we consider the words of King David in Psalm 24 as he both asks and answers the question this morning, "Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?" or in other words - "Who Can Climb God's Hill?" May we all have the ability to both ask and answer that question that we are able to climb God's hill because of what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what he's done for us.


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