Monday, April 27, 2015

April 26, 2015 Sermon

"Jesus is Your Shepherd"

Why do you go to your doctor? To that specific doctor? It may be that he or she is the only one in your health plan that you can see, but often we choose our doctors because we like them. We go because they’ve shown us that they care about us. We go because they have a good track record treating us. We trust them because they take care of our physical health.
Do you have a spiritual doctor, a shepherd that takes care of your spiritual health? Do you have someone you can rely on, someone that is always there for you? Of course you do! Sometimes we may wonder. Sometimes we may doubt. But today our Lord comes to us and reassures us. Today, on Good Shepherd Sunday, come with me to God’s Word and be reassured once again that "JESUS IS YOUR SHEPHERD." Jesus is totally dedicated to us and he has the power to give us life.

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