Sunday, March 8, 2015

March 1, 2015 Sermon

Look to the Lord!
Jake couldn't take it anymore. The guilt was overwhelming. It got so difficult he couldn't sleep at night. He ruined another relationship yet again.
Have you ever been there before and been in Jake's shoes? Maybe you've come into the worship service and just had that recurring thought in your mind - I wonder if the forgiveness that is announced by the pastor right now, I wonder if it is for me? I wonder if God could ever forgive me?
You and I can relate to Jake, and the Jacob in our OT lesson this morning. We are like the Jacob in our OT lesson who had guilt and had thoughts and fears and worries that were running through his mind. But what we'll also hear is how God sough Jacob out. We'll be reminded that we have the same assurance and comfort that Jacob did and "Look to the Lord!" b/c 1) His promises bring me life; and 2) His protection leads me to glory.

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