Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 15, 2015 Sermon

Keep Looking Up!

It was one on my first Pastor's Conferences as part of the AZ-CA District. The conference was held in Gila, NM. The only forewarning I was given was that it was "interesting." We stayed at a hotel that was like something out of Stephen King's - "The Shining." It was late January, and in that part of the country, the spring warm up was already taking place. Whatever snow had fallen was now melting and filling all the streams and rivers. In fact the stream right next to the single-story hotel had flooded over into the parking lot. And we were told upon arrival that the water level was up to the foundation of the building just a few days earlier. There was plenty of water, just not the kind a hotel guest would be hoping for. No hot water. No running water. No flushing the toilets. There was a local church up the road that offered us the use of their restrooms. There was no cell service - save for a pay phone to make calls home. Thankfully, it was only a one night stay.

You have all had those types of regrettable experiences that left a sour taste in your mouth and 101 reasons to complain. It may have been a camping trip where it never stopped raining, or the vacation where everyone was miserable; a flooded basement that ruined all the family pictures, or something far more serious. We want to turn to God's Word in our OT lesson this morning and let God remind us how he takes care of our every need. It's here in the story of the Bronze Snake where the Lord reminds us to "Keep Looking Up!"

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