Monday, June 1, 2015

May 31, 2015 Sermon


I'd like to share with you just for a moment, one of the events that I witnessed over this past weekend. In addition to celebrating my dad's birthday, we also had the opportunity to attend graduation and call day at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. This time it was my brother's turn as he was assigned to be a tutor at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, one of our two preparatory high schools in our church body in Saginaw, MI. And if you're wondering, as a tutor, my brother will have the opportunity to be a dorm supervisor, teach religion classes and coach. But as we were sitting in the auditorium waiting for the reading of Assignments by our synod president, I had all these flashbacks of thoughts and emotions from when I was sitting there 9 years ago with my fiancé, waiting to hear my name called for assignment to Beautiful Savior, El Paso, TX.

What do you think goes through a pastor's mind as he's about to receive his first call into the full-time pastoral ministry? It isn't his first call, as he's already received his vicar call. But this is different. This is a permanent assignment. You don't know where you're going, what the church or people are like. There are so many thoughts running through your mind. But one thing is for sure. The candidate is certainly excited to carry out the Great Commission of our Lord which is verse 19 of our lesson where and "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..."

These are the words of Jesus to his disciples, but imagine you're sitting there in that auditorium. Instead of it being the president of the WELS, it is the Lord Jesus himself. He calls out your name and he simply says to you, "Go!" There may be a little fear and trepidation. You don't know where you are going to go, to Texas, or half-way around the world. You don't know who you're going to share that word of God with.

That can be pretty scary? To think that spreading God's word and extending his kingdom, shepherding a flock and caring for souls is going to be done by someone like me? Yet, that's your assignment - "Go!" God knows your fears and worries when it comes to sharing the good news. That's why Jesus didn't leave the command to "Go and make disciples by Baptizing and Teaching" all by itself. It's the verses before and after that command that we want to focus on this morning. "Go!" Knowing that Jesus' power gives you strength, and Jesus' presence gives you peace.

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