Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 24, 2015 Sermon

"Come Find Peace"

I don’t think you saw many smiles on the faces of the disciples during Holy Week. They knew that the Jewish leaders had it in for Jesus. Who knew what they had up their sleeves? Jesus cleansed the temple one last time, overturning the tables of businessmen and disrupting one of their most profitable days just before the Passover. Jesus’ teaching of forgiveness and love had clashed time and time again with the demands of the Pharisees. On top of it all, Jesus told them that he would be leaving soon. What would they do? What did the Son of God have in mind for their future? How would they cope?
Ever find yourself in the same boat? Not sure of what the future holds and worried about the present? Maybe these thoughts are racing around in your brain. "How am I going to make it financially this month? How can I afford to fix the dryer? What is my daughter doing dating that guy? How’s that going to work out? Is my job secure? Will my health improve?"
Don’t you wish you had a stop button for these upsetting thoughts, this lack of peace? Ah, but you do! Our Savior Jesus Christ comes to us today in His Word and invites us to "COME, FIND PEACE." Come, and find the peace prepared by Christ for you. Come, and find the peace the Holy Spirit gives to you through God’s Word.

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