Monday, July 13, 2015

July 12, 2015 Sermon

"Celebrate God's Grace In Times Of Trouble"
For many athletes, Olympic and others as well, discouragement can become a big obstacle in their path to finishing their race. There are many stories of athletes who have been faced with a medical issue while they are training, or even during competition. Many times it is a physical ailment or a diagnosis of a medical condition that threatens to halt their training. At other times, and because of the time and energy they have placed into their training and sport, mental health can become a factor as well. But I would imaging, and judging by comments you’ll hear from many of them, discouragement is perhaps the greatest obstacle of them all.
Discouragement is something that you and I know about very well. We may not be training for the Olympics, but we are faced with the struggle of discouragement at many times in our life. When we hear the diagnosis from the doctor, when a relationship is on the rocks, when we’re struggling in school – discouragement can become a big obstacle that is difficult to overcome.
In our second lesson this morning, the apostle Paul was discouraged. But as we’ll hear, he had something to overcome discouragement – something that you and I have, too – God’s grace. In fact, we want to be encouraged by God’s Word this morning to “Celebrate God’s Grace In Times Of Trouble.”

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